Gregory Szorc schrieb:
Perhaps this should be advertised more, especially to the add-on
community. Looking at about:config of my main profile, about 2/3 of my
preferences are user set. There are hundreds of preferences apparently
being used for key-value storage by add-ons (not to pick on one, but
HTTPS Everywhere has a few hundred prefs).

FWIW, we had a pretty high-ranking topcrash in where an add-on stored strings up to at least 128MB in prefs, and Nightly now limits prefs to 1MB max, and that add-on switched to indexedDB instead. This should happen more, for sure. I'd think that anything larger than a few KB probably doesn't belong in a pref. We couldn't easily set that limit mentioned above as low as we'd like because up to now we had no limit at all and some add-ons definitely store large stuff in prefs. Given that we probably read prefs in startup and before we can do anything useful with the launched Firefox, I wonder how much of a perf problem those large prefs tend to be, actually.

Robert Kaiser
dev-platform mailing list

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