On 08/12/13 04:49 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> Don't these arguments apply to desktop Firefox used at work, in an Internet
> cafe, or in a library, as well?
> I think it's important to have an easy way to mute/unmute the browser, but
> disabling autoplay is probably not the right way to address these issues.

It should be noted that here on desktop I do have
`media.autoplay.enabled=false` (I hate videos that autoplay) and this
still doesn't stop YouTube. [1]

So while I'm all for disabling video and sound autoplay across the
board, that config flag isn't enough to get rid of that nuisance. [2]

I'm not sure if it is a bug or a feature, but if you tell me it is a
bug, then I'll gladly file one.


[1] before I get told CTP, I don't have Flash, so this is only for the
case the video is playable without Flash.
[2] I have already noted the disagreement of opinion here.
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