On 6/4/14, 1:56 PM, Ted Mielczarek wrote:
The inconsistency between our various test harnesses makes it harder
than necessary to write different types of tests.

Yes, agreed.

RE: the discussion of testharness.js etc, I think those are even farther
afield, since the testing model there is much different from what we
have in Mochitest/xpcshell tests. It makes sense to align our web
content tests with W3C testing

This necessarily requires them to be inconsistent with mochitest-browser and mochitest-chrome, right? Unless we also align those with testharness...

If we're really trying to get stuff to be consistent, can we please try to decide what we're trying to make consistent with what?

For example, should mochitest-plain be consistent with mochitest-chrome? I would argue yes; the distinction between which tests go in which one is more or less arbitrarily decided by what APIs we do or don't have on SpecialPowers.

Maybe the right answer is that pure-JS tests like xpcshell and mochitest-browser should be consistent and combined JS-and-markup tests like mochitest-plain and mochitest-chrome should (separately) be consistent but we shouldn't worry about consistency between the two groups of tests?

I would very much welcome us actually having this discussion and deciding _this_ point first, before we start deciding which APIs should be deprecated and which should be preferred in which test harness.

but we still have a huge existing base of
Mochitests that aren't going to get ported to that style anytime soon.

And a lot of them can't be, because they rely on Gecko-specific bits of various sorts (SpecialPowers comes to mind).


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