Benoit Jacob wrote:
Strawman class diagram:
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Identity Matrix Other transform types
e.g. Translation
In such a world, the class containing the word "Matrix" in its name
would not have a isIdentity() method; and for use cases where having a
"variant type" that can avoid being a full blown matrix is meaningful,
we would have such a variant type, like "Transformation" in the above
diagram, and the isIdentity() method there would be merely asking the
variant type for its type field.
I think roc suggested the possibility of something similar i.e.
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Identity 2DMatrix 3DMatrix
Then from JS you would just write (matrix instanceof Identity). I don't
know whether this would make the implementation unduly complex though.
Warning: May contain traces of nuts.
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