On Wed, Jul 02, 2014 at 12:13:44PM +0200, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
> For its recently landed WebIDE, the devtools team needs a component to
> watch changes in a directory (they are currently using a somewhat
> hackish workaround that they want to replace with something better
> supported). Both Windows and MacOS X provide built-in functions for this
> purpose but most Unices including Linux do not.
> Under Linux, I would like to use libnotify. It is not quite clear to me
> whether this is something I can do at the moment. Apparently, we already
> have dependencies towards libnotify in our gnome bindings and our gtk
> WebAppRT.
> Can someone shed some light on the subject?

libnotify != libinotify. You're talking about the former, but you're
thinking about the latter. Note that inotify is not really well suited
for some kinds of directory monitoring (so, depends what you really
need), and is phased out in favor of fanotify. Also note that glib,
which we *do* depend on has a file monitor API, but afaik it's inotify-based
and I don't know how well it overcomes the inotify limitations.

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