Summary: The Prerendering API allows the rendering engine to start loading and 
rendering a web page without any visible UI until the page needs to be 
displayed to the user. It's a gecko API that consumers can choose to use. For 
now, we're not talking about exposing this to web pages yet, or even using it 
in any of our products, we're just working on the implementation.


Link to standard: At some point we are going to be contributing to a spec but 
there are a number of unknown things which we're hoping to find out through the 
implementation - like what APIs need to be blacklisted in prerendering (audio, etc). Chrome and IE have shipped their own implementations of 

Platform coverage: All

Estimated or target release: Unknown

Preference behind which this will be implemented: dom.prerendering.enabled

Implementation Plan
There are two big parts to the implementation.  

1. How do we handle the prerendering itself in a way that works both for 
desktop and b2g  

For this, we're thinking about adding a boolean flag to nsDocShell which 
together with mIsActive will constitute a tri-state: "active", "inactive" and 
"prerendered".  As far as the outside code is concerned, prerendered docshells 
are treated as inactive ones for the most part.  This means that we'd basically 
need to not modify nsDocShell::GetIsActive, and audit all of its callers and 
find the potential consumers who would want to treat prerendered and inactive 
differently (I don't expect there to be any such consumers actually but we'll 
see).  We'd use the prerendered state to reflect the correct status reflected 
through the page visibility API.  The prerendered docshell masquerading as 
inactive will also mean that it won't get a rendering on b2g for example 
because that's how we hide mozbrowser iframes there.

In order for gaia and XUL based consumers to be able to control the 
prerendering, I think we'd need to use the nsIFrameLoader swapping facilities 
that we currently have for the <xul:browser> swapDocShells method and extend 
those to make them usable with the mozbrowser frameLoader as well.  That way we 
can expose the prerendering API through both mozbrowser and <xul:browser> while 
sharing hopefully most of the code between these different consumers, and we'd 
get the ability to swap the frame loaders when we need to actually render a 
prerendered document.

2. What do we do with the APIs that have undesirable side-effects in 
prerendered pages (audio, etc).

We first need to decide what we're going to do when a page calls into an API 
which has undesired side effects (and that is a blurry line -- I hope as part 
of this we come up with an actual list of what those actions are!).  Chrome 
basically aborts the execution of scripts on the page and throws out the 
prerendered content as soon as any such APIs are called.  IE's documentation 
claims that they "pause" a web page execution when that happens, but according 
to my testing, that behavior is really border-line non-deterministic.  I think 
we basically have two options: either abort the execution of the script or 
throw an exception.  The former breaks run-to-completion, which sucks.  The 
latter is a bit better I think but then we need to detect when JS execution is 
"done" so that we can start to discard the prerendered content.  I don't know 
if the latter is easily doable.

We are also thinking about adding a WebIDL annotation (let's call it 
[UnsafeForPrerendering] that we can add to stuff in the IDL and have it call 
into a BindingUtils helper which does either of the above.
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