On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Karl Dubost <kdub...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Jonas,
> Le 12 août 2014 à 08:33, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> a écrit :
>> However in some cases we can do better than that by loading a template
>> page that can be used for multiple of the search results.
> This I'm not sure to understand how that would be working. Let's say be any 
> page on the Web. How do you know in advance the template for the page? I 
> might have missed something.

I think we are indeed talking past each other.

The goal of the prerendering API is to enable a webpage to include
something like

<link rel=prerender url="http://somewebsite.com/page.html";>

This would tell the UA to load the above URL, as well as any resources
that is required to render the resulting page, and construct the DOM
and layout datastructures which are needed to display the page. All of
this is done in the hope that if the user navigates to
http://somewebsite.com/page.html, the UA can detect that a
prerendering has already been created and then display that page
*really* quickly.

This feature is useful in many scenarios. It's useful for the google
search page because they can use the above markup to point to whatever
search result they think the user is going to navigate to. It's useful
in a news article to point to the next page of the article. It's
useful for reddit because it can preload whatever link they think the
user is likely to click.

However, as the feature stands today, it can't be used by for example
the bugzilla search page.

After a user visits the bugzilla search page, they almost always visit
the search results page. However the exact URL of the search results
page vary greatly since it depends on the search parameters that were
entered. So the search page couldn't add a <link rel=prerender> in
order to prerender anything, since it would have no idea what URL to
stick in there.

This despite the fact that whichever search result page URL is loaded,
there are a lot of common parts. There's a common header and footer,
the same CSS files and JS files need to be loaded. The same styles are
applied to largely the same set of elements. Wouldn't it be great if
those pieces could be preloaded and prerendered, such that the only
thing that had to be loaded and rendered once the user pressed the
"search" button was the actual search results.

In this case the prerendered search results page acts as a "template
page" for any search result page that ends up being loaded. Of course,
if the user ends up not doing a search at all, then we'll have to drop
that prerendered page and instead do a new load from scratch. Just
like with any mispredicted <link rel=prerender>.

Similarly, the bugzilla search result page can't currently take
advantage of the prerender feature. Even though it's very likely that
the user is going to click a link to a bug, and even though all bug
pages share large parts of their resources and layout, there is no way
for the bugzilla search result page to load and prerender those common

Wouldn't it be great if the search result page could ask a generic bug
page to be loaded, such that if the user clicks a bug link, we could
just load the data that's specific to the clicked bug and insert that
data into the generic bug page.

I.e. the generic bug page would act as a template page for any bug
page. Of course, if the user doesn't find any of the search results
interesting, and goes somewhere different than a bug page, then the
prerendering was for naught and we will have to do a new load from

I think the solution to these problems consist of two parts:
1. Make it possible for a page that contains a <link rel=prerender> to
initiate a postMessage-based conversation with the prerendered page.
2. Define that the prerendered page is used if the navigation
destination URL matches the prerendered page's URL (which can be
modified using replaceState), rather than if the URL in the <link
rel=prerender>. Redirects might make this a bit more complicated.

This way we can even do such things as tell the prerendered page to
start loading search results, using an XHR request, even before the
user has actually clicked "search". And update those search results
any time the user modifies any search parameters. If the user ends up
modifying the search parameters those results can simply be thrown
away without ever getting used, while still allowing the prerendered
search results template page to be used no matter which search ends up
being the final one.

Similarly the bugzilla serach results page could ask the prerendered
bug page to start preloading the relevant bug data as soon as a bug
link is hovered. Again, if the user ends up clicking something else,
the data can be thrown out and the correct data can be loaded.

All of this would be driven by webpage logic. The only part the
platform would provide is the prerendering feature and the two
additions listed above.

/ Jonas
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