Bug 441414 has patches adding features to XUL trees. I'm sympathetic to the
desire for these features, but I do not think we should take these patches,
nor any other patches adding features to XUL. XUL is a dead-end technology
and investment in XUL provides minimal returns --- this includes effort
spent reviewing and maintaining XUL. Some amount of XUL maintenance is
necessary to support Firefox, Thunderbird and the Firefox addons ecosystem,
but we should keep it to a minimum. In most cases our apps and addons can
use standard Web platform technology instead, which continues to evolve

There may be some cases where small extensions to XUL provide great
benefits to the Mozilla project that we can't easily get any other way, in
which case we should allow it. I don't think bug 441414 is one of those
cases. With some effort you can build arbitrarily rich XUL-tree-like
functionality using HTML, and that's the way to go.

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