On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 9:40 AM, glazou <daniel.glaz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. does Mozilla still care about us?

In terms of the goals of the organization, I think it's pretty clear that
XUL embeddings are not a priority - they're pretty orthogonal to the
Mozilla Mission (which is about the Internet and the Web - not desktop

Lots of Mozilla developers have positive feelings and personal
relationships with embedders like yourself, and so we do our best to make
things smooth when we can. But fundamentally, we would be doing a
disservice to our mission if we spent significant resources on non-web
technologies like XUL. Gecko is large and often unwieldy, so any transition
takes time. But I think it's pretty clear that our _ideal_ direction would
be to migrate all frontend code to standardized non-dead-end technologies
like HTML and WebComponents. This lets us focus our efforts, eat our own
dogfood, and make it easier for web developers to contribute to Firefox.

> I have endlessly tried to discuss the fate of XUL and XULRunner with a
> previous Mozilla CEO, Gary Kovacs. He _never_ accepted to have a chat about
> it.

This isn't really something that a C-level exec would have anything useful
to say about. Bob Moss is the VP of Gecko, but even he would probably defer
to the judgement of the people you're talking to (bz, roc, dbaron,
bsmedberg, myself, etc). And I think our opinions are pretty clear in this

> I have the feeling we are left outside alone in a « too bad for you » move
> and I find it depressing.

I agree that the current state of affairs sucks for XUL embedders, and you
have our sympathy. But if we translate that sympathy into strategy, we will
lose much bigger battles.

> 2. since it's out of question to rebuild something as big as the UI of
> BlueGriffon or Postbox in html (and that will imply rewriting most of the
> js around) for the time being, what do you suggest?

Firefox is much bigger than BlueGriffon, and is still mostly written in
XUL. I'd suggest following the same strategy as the Firefox team - slowly
transition to web technology, and file bugs when stuff doesn't work. If you
want to go whole-hog and ride the technologies that Mozilla is investing
in, I'd suggest creating an OpenWebApp that you can put in the Mozilla
Marketplace. If you do that, you will find orders of magnitude more
responsiveness and interest from Mozilla's side than you will as a
XULRunner developer.

> I would like to have a response from - or some direct interaction with -
> Chris Beard please.

I don't set his schedule, but per above I doubt he'd have much to say on
this topic.

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