On 10/15/14, 9:03 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
The situation is that we have a bunch of unmaintained code that
complicates layout.

I feel like I should expand on this.

"XUL" covers a variety of somewhat-unrelated features, including at least:

1)  The XUL box model.
2)  The built-in XUL elements (with C++ implementations).  <tree> for
3)  The overlay system.
4)  XBL and the bindings provided by default.
5)  Localization via DTDs

I probably missed some; please tell me what they are.

I would dearly like #1 to go away in favor of flexbox. This might be possible to do without changing anything else, maybe, albeit with some UI layout breakage in some consumers because the models are not quite identical. If that's not possible, it might be a good idea to migrate away from flexbox manually (by using those display types instead of -moz-box and company in your stylesheets for XUL hbox/vbox/etc elements). flexbox is all done, pretty much, so there is a viable path forward here that just needs resources. This would clearly not affect scripts, except to the extent that the slightly different layout model forces changes to the DOM used.

I'm slightly less concerned about #2, though it would be good to replace those with web components if/when possible.

I haven't thought much about #3; it's somewhat in its own little world and has no web tech equivalent.

For #4 a viable path forward is piecemeal conversion to web components once those are stable and shipping. Since they aren't, there's nothing to think about here yet.

For #5, I'm not an expert. l20n or something seems like a possible replacement, but in any case a replacement would need to exist to talk about moving away from the current localization mechanism.

Again, except for maybe #1 these are all off in "who knows when this will be possible?" territory. I'm sorry if you got the impression that there are short-term plans to remove anything here.

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