On 1/22/15 9:30 AM, Tomasz wrote:
So, any idea how to fix the following error?

Remove 'signaling_unittests' from the list of tests in http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/media/webrtc/signaling/test/moz.build ?

Uh.. why is that #including the binding _cpp_ file?  That's broken.
Please file a bug on webrtc to not do that?

Hmm I know nothing about Python programing (I am a C/C++ and Java developer)

This is a C++ bug.  signaling_unittests.cpp is doing this:

  #include "PeerConnectionImplEnumsBinding.cpp"

And it's doing this in an environment in which certain #defines are set in such a way that the string classes used are not the normal ones used by bindings. This happens to work completely by accident because PeerConnectionImplEnumsBinding.cpp doesn't #include anything that involves strings too much, but including nsGlobalWindow.h in PeerConnectionImplEnumsBinding.cpp includes some string stuff and the world blows up.

Filing a bug on "Core: WebRTC", pasting your build log, and assigning it to ":jib" should be good enough, I think; I talked to Jan-Ivar about this already yesterday so it's not like it will come as a surprise. ;)

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