On 03/28/2015 02:32 AM, Nicolas B. Pierron wrote:
On 03/27/2015 11:51 PM, Bobby Holley wrote:
On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Mats Palmgren <m...@mozilla.com> wrote:

So let's change the project-wide coding rules instead to allow 99
columns as the hard limit, but keep 80 columns as the recommended
(soft) limit.

I think we should avoid opening up a can of worms on the merits of
different styles, and instead focus on the most pragmatic ways to unify
Gecko and JS style. Under that framework, Mats' proposal makes a lot of

I do not see the advantages of having huge patches to rewrite an entire project 
just for the benefit of having only one style guide.

My reviewer's hat on, having just one style speeds up reviewing and makes the 
code easier to read.
So much nicer to look at patches dealing with xpcom/ or docshell/ now that they 
have been converted to use the normal
coding style.

Having the one commit in the blame doesn't really matter. Often one needs to go 
to the first commit of the code anyway.


What I see with such patches, is pain to rebase patches, pain to change habs of 
the developers, and security issues as contributors (including
employees) do not look for the original authors.

 From my point of view, the only time where such patches sounds acceptable, is 
when you are trying to take over a dead project, and as far as I know
SpiderMonkey is far from being a dead project.

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