I can't speak about the validity of the requirement, but in terms of
API, we probably want something more compositional, if several codepaths
need to stop rendering. And then, we end up with the possibility that
someone forgets to enable rendering, with all the ensuing debugging joy.

Since this is exactly the kind of issue we fight with Async Shutdown, I
would suggest an API that looks more like

document.mozLayout.addBlocker("Hey, I need to finish looking at IDB",

This will let the DevTools inspect the state, either to find out which
of the blockers is slow to respond, or to find which of the blockers
doesn't respond at all.


On 30/07/15 22:20, James Burke wrote:
> In talking to Wilson Page, he mentioned something like a
> document.pauseLayout() document.resumeLayout(), not sure if there are
> existing thoughts around that.
> If that seemed workable, maybe also a <html mozPauseLayout> type of
> attribute, so the browser knows as soon as possible to pause its work,
> instead of relying on a JS API.
> For Gaia apps, we use a CSP policy that does not allow inline scripts, so
> the attribute on a tag is more appealing for that reason. A nonced script
> might be a workable alternative for the CSP case, if an attribute was too
> much of a stretch.
> Happy to hear about any suggestions for the general goal,
> James
> [1] Service workers help a bit here, but do not help the other aync forces.
> [2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=863499
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David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

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