On Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 3:01:39 PM UTC-7, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Zibi Braniecki wrote:
> > 2) We want to bring app to foreground/paint it only when the app's chrome 
> > is visually complete.
> I would very much want this. Right now, during a navigation from page
> A to page B I believe that we render A until we've parsed B's opening
> <body> tag. It would be great if we enabled pages to communicate to
> the browser when they are actually ready to render.


Working on the performance.mark events (Eli may have more insight) made me 
realize that we generally have two types of apps:

1) Apps that have a defined and useful chrome. Example is SMS app. When it's 
chrome is ready, we should paint and show it to the user, and only then work on 
loading the content (list of text messages). We should also take a screenshot 
with the chrome only (to prevent data leaking) and possibly cache chrome for 

2) Apps that are useless without content. Example is Settings app where chrome 
is literally just the top header. For those, the firstPaint/foreground should 
happen only on visuallyLoaded - when the visible portion of content is loaded 
because displaying it without doesn't make sense.

So maybe we would need another event that the website fires to indicate when it 
for paint/cache/screenshot.

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