On Thu, Oct 01, 2015 at 10:10:39PM -0700, Gregory Szorc wrote:
> Currently, the Firefox build system builds C++ tests by default. This adds
> extra time to builds for something that a significant chunk of developers
> don't care about because they don't run them.
> An easy way to get faster builds is to disable C++ tests by default
> (requiring a mozconfig entry to enable them - which would be enabled in
> automation, of course). A more involved solution is to build them on
> demand, when tests are executed (unless a build option says to build them
> like today).
> I was curious if Gecko developers (the audience I perceive that cares about
> them the most) would be generally opposed to disabling building C++ tests
> by default. If not, we can go with an easy solution (and require people who
> care to add a mozconfig entry). If so, we go with the harder solution.
> Is disabling building C++ tests by default a reasonable change?

I don't think it is worth the effort. Specifically, we're not really
equiped to actually do it currently, and all in all, it's not taking that
much of the build time relative to all the other stuff. The one C++ test
that has a significant build time impact is gtest, and we're already
skipping it.

I'm more interested in growing the faster-make backend to deal with C++
compilation in a sane way than working around the recursive-make
deficiencies like this.

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