On Fri, Oct 23, 2015, at 02:17 PM, Joshua Cranmer 🐧 wrote:
> Except that to demand contributors don't care about comm-central would 
> be to demand of your employees that they should be jerks to the wider 
> open-source community. Merging comm-central into mozilla-central, with 
> the exception of the time spent doing the actual merge work, would 
> reduce the amount of time that core contributors would have to spend 
> worrying about comm-central in the short and medium-terms for sure.

This is the most salient point to me--even with comm-central code in a
separate repository Mozilla employees still often try to do due
diligence to not break Thunderbird unnecessarily. Having the code in a
separate repository means they essentially always have to do *more*
work, even for trivial things like scriptable rewrites. I've had
situations where making Thunderbird work would be zero effort if it were
in m-c (since the code would be shared, like for build system work), but
I wind up breaking them because I didn't go above and beyond and clone
comm-central and duplicate my fix.

jcranmer is right. We already have lesser-supported and basically
unsupported code in the tree, this isn't going to make life any worse.

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