>As I said in the other email, 
>I don't understand how this could be implemented when the spec has left the 
>>key piece undefined, as far as I see. 

You are completely right ! For now, FIDO 2 is currently being written (far far 
far from finished) and can't be implemented, so let's focus on existing 
solutions with existing specifications and existing products (the ones that 
work with google/gmail, github, dropbox and many federated identity portals. 

FIDO U2F specifications are complete for USB/HID devices & desktop browsers. 

Additional information (copy/paste from a previous post of mine above
with small updates):

- FIDO 2.0 will not replace FIDO U2F 
- There will probably not be any kind of FIDO U2F 2.0 inside FIDO 2.0 
- FIDO 2.0 has no goal to be compatible with FIDO U2F (and won't be) 
- FIDO U2F is already here and here to stay. It is a great WORKING 
  solution: a secure second factor for strong web authentication 
  through a simple HID based API. 
- There is already plenty of FIDO U2F related source code available 
  to help people building great solutions (Chromium client source code, 
  Google JS library source code and different Java/PHP/Go/etc. server code) 
- Nearly all FIDO U2F products have really secure architectures 
  (i.e. nearly every products are using secure elements / smart cards 
  components, even if not mandatory, that's great) 
- FIDO U2F over NFC and BLE specifications are currently being 
  finalized, so there will be flexibility to cover mobile platforms. 
- FIDO 2.0 W3c submission have no real details regarding technical 
  implementation because FIDO 2 is only for now a very confusing draft 
  with strange (*cough*) directions, so do not put too many hopes 
  into FIDO 2.0 (that's really not important for now) 

=> So let's focus on U2F :)
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