Adam Roach <> writes:

> My understanding is that the autolander is available only to
> developers with Level 3 access, right? Given that this is the same
> group of people who can do a manual check-in, I don't see why we would
> make autolanding have to clear a higher bar than manual landing.

We could allow people to override the requirement while still letting
the default UX be to press a button and have the Try run and landing
taken care of automatically.  (This is in my fantasy world where a Try
run doesn't mean squinting at a bunch of intermittent oranges and hoping
they're not somehow related to your patch in some non-obvious way.)

Put another way: why are we even framing this in terms of "requiring"?
The goal is to help people contribute code and accept code contributions
by providing explicit structure and automation to minimize tedious
error-prone human effort.  I conjecture that, if it's no harder to do a
Try run than to skip it, there won't be any need for a strict requirement.

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