Henri Sivonen <hsivo...@hsivonen.fi> wrote:

> I think for release builds, we should have the following:
>  1) Rust panic!() causes a crash that's MOZ_CRASH()-compatible for
> crash-reporting purposes. (See
> https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/mfbt/Assertions.h#269
> and particularly
> https://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/mfbt/Assertions.h#184 )
>  2) All Rust code in Gecko, even std, is compiled without unwinding
> support.
>  3) The panic!() reason strings should not end up in the binary.
> (Neither reason strings in std nor reason strings from elsewhere.)

I agree with all of this. And, it would be great if this
configuration—including the non-SSE2 x86 target—was available to non-Gecko
users of Rust. Actually, it would be great if this were the default
configuration for Rust.

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