On 01/04/16 15:51, Mike Hommey wrote:
> Bug status is currently, IMHO, completely misused and thus useless:
> - people with editbug capability file as NEW by default. Why should a bug
>   I file in a component I'm not working on (because I noticed a bug
>   in Firefox) be NEW?
> - there is a long tail of bugs assigned to people that are not being worked
>   on (I should know, I have a lot of those, shame on me)
> So it feels to me triage should replace/subsume it in some way.

I suspect they want to add a new field because changing bug statuses
seems like a massive change. Which it would be. However, not doing it
will leave us with two workflow widgets in Bugzilla instead of one, with
all the ambiguity that brings. In the long term, I see pain here.

If Bugzilla supported per-product workflow that might help. Is it worth
investing the BMO-hacking resources for this plan into that?


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