On Wednesday 2016-04-06 18:47 -0700, Emma Humphries wrote:
> Following up on yesterday's email: I put together a draft second proposal
> and shopped it around some, and now I want to bring that back into the main
> discussion.
> The bullet point version of this is:
> * Add a binary field that components can use, TRIAGED (Y/N, T/F, +,-)
> * In the case of Firefox related components, have a consistent definition
> of P1-P5 and make sure that triaged bugs have a Priority assigned

> > On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Emma Humphries <e...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> >> Today Iā€™m asking for feedback on the plan which is posted at:
> >>
> >>
> >> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FFrtS0u6gNBE1mxsGJA9JLseJ_U6tW-1NJvHMq551ko

I'm assuming the above URL represents the current proposal, although
given the "draft second proposal" wording above, I'm not sure if
that's the case.

I don't think the idea that a bug belongs in the triage queue if it
is untriaged and without a needinfo? is the right process.  I think,
instead, that there should be less emphasis on needinfo? to a
specific person, and more emphasis on grouping bugs into a small
number of categories of information that is needed, and allowing
people to triage those separate queues.

Explaining why I think that requires a little bit of a digression:

There are a number of separate things we want to understand in a bug
report, as I described in http://dbaron.org/log/20120816-bug-system :

    Understand description
        Do the developers or triagers reading the bug understand
        what the reporter is saying?

    Agree it's a bug
        Do the module owners or peers or other authority agree that
        the problem is a bug?

    Can reproduce
        Can others reproduce the problem described?

    Why it's important
        What makes this problem important or urgent to fix?

    How to fix
        What should be done to fix the problem? 

(I'd much rather a bug report be editable text, with history
available, for answers to these or similar questions -- rather than
a stream of permanent comments.  But we seem stuck with the horrid
stream-of-comments Bugzilla format, which means I try to ignore the
comments as much as I can.  Then again, a 200 character summary is
often good enough to answer the above 5 questions.  As with the rest
of the Internet, don't read the comments.)

Determining answers to any or all of the above might require
multiple rounds of dialog, and some of them need to be understood in
sequence rather than in parallel.  They also require very different
sets of expertise to determine.  (Some of them require people with a
bit of domain knowledge; some require detailed knowledge of relevant
specifications.)  But they also don't require expertise from one
person in particular, so needinfo? is not generally appropriate.  So
the idea that bugs are in a queue unless they have a needinfo? seems
wrong to me; I think a good triage process should involve queues
representing the type of knowledge that's needed, rather than queues
for a particular person to answer -- and people should be able to
triage those queues (e.g., bugs that are untriaged because they lack
information that allows others to reproduce, bugs that are untriaged
because they require an expert in the relevant standard to decide
whether our current behavior is correct or not -- state that could
also be reflected in the bug) or the general queue of
next-step-unknown bugs.

While we can't get very far at all if we don't understand the
description, it's often hard to make a decision about the priority
until we understand how many users are affected (which sometimes
requires the ability to reproduce), and about whether the bug
described is actually a bug at all.  (Though there are also many
cases where we can make decisions about the priority without some of
these pieces of information.)  These are things that might be most
efficiently determined by different people acting as part of the
triage process, but the people aren't specific enough that needinfo?
is the right tool.


š„ž   L. David Baron                         http://dbaron.org/   š„‚
š„¢   Mozilla                          https://www.mozilla.org/   š„‚
             Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
             What I was walling in or walling out,
             And to whom I was like to give offense.
               - Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)

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