On 04/08/16 06:06, Gregory Szorc wrote:
> I'm going to say something that might be a bit contentious: I think a
> single commit access policy for all of Mozilla reflects the needs of
> Mozilla from several years ago, not the needs of Mozilla today. The world
> has changed. Mozilla has changed. The policy was written before distributed
> version control was popular, before services like GitHub.

I don't think that's contentious; I think it's a totally accurate
assessment :-)

> The reality of today is that the "Mozilla Commit Access Policy" is
> effectively the "Firefox Commit Access Policy."

Yep. And we should probably rename it as such.

> I'm not sure how formal we want to be on a commit policy that attempts to
> govern all of Mozilla and/or that governs less established projects or
> projects outside the Firefox umbrella.

I had a few abortive goes at this a few years ago; it's an enormous
effort to get everyone on the same bandwagon, and just leads to the
creation of bureaucracy for no value. Let's not try it again. But I
agree with you that having a formal policy for Firefox, and any repos
which are upstream of it, makes sense. Knowing who can check in to a
codebase which gets shipped to hundreds of millions of people is a good


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