On 04/08/16 16:22, Hal Wine wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 1:48 AM, Gervase Markham <g...@mozilla.org
> <mailto:g...@mozilla.org>> wrote:
>     I had a few abortive goes at this a few years ago; it's an enormous
>     effort to get everyone on the same bandwagon, and just leads to the
>     creation of bureaucracy for no value. Let's not try it again. 
> Actually, there are some modern attempts at this - times have changed.

I'm not sure any of the things you name amount to an attempt to write a
single policy for all Mozilla repos governing who can check in or not; I
accept that there have been more scope-limited efforts, of course.

>     But I
>     agree with you that having a formal policy for Firefox, and any repos
>     which are upstream of it, makes sense. Knowing who can check in to a
>     codebase which gets shipped to hundreds of millions of people is a good
>     idea.
> Since key upstream repos are now on GitHub (e.g Rust), this really means
> we need a plan that covers GitHub, imo.

A very fair point. (Although it need not cover all of our Github.)

> As is often the case, these "nice to haves" are "underfunded mandates"
> until something happens. There are a few of us who keep trying to push
> the rock up the hill in between the events that get everyone's attention.

:-) It's one of those "buying insurance" things - if we don't do this,
perhaps nothing bad will happen, but perhaps something will, and it'll
be much worse for not having done it.


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