As per the subject.  This job is strictly for smoketest purposes;
there are no tests being run on the result of the build.

As these are tier-2 builds, build failures will not be cause for
backouts.  However, as clang complains about a wider range of problems
than our current MSVC builds do, and as the clang static analysis also
catches real problems, please take any failures seriously.  We'd like
to promote these to tier 1 in the near future, if that's possible.

This is the culmination of work by many people: Ehsan Akhgari has done
a ton of work with this, Ting-Yu Chou fixed all the (numerous!) issues
that the static analysis turned up on Windows, David Major helped
track down several tricky crashes and outright wrong behavior, and
numerous other people have fixed clang-cl issues in the past.  The
clang-cl developers have been responsive, fixing several clang-cl bugs
that Firefox exposed. Credit is also due to all the folks who have
reviewed patches.  Pete Moore and Dustin Mitchell helped out with
Taskcluster details; Taskcluster is a much more pleasant system to
deal with than buildbot.

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