(Re-sending as I was informed that "posting by email is not allowed"; apologies 
to those who get this email twice.)

From: mozilla.dev.platf...@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:mozilla.dev.platf...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of L. David Baron
> On Friday 2017-05-26 11:53 -0600, Tom Tromey wrote:
>> How would I go about starting this?
>> I have never done anything with web standards before.
> Probably something like:
>  (1) ask the current maintainers of the spec if they're ok with you  doing 
> this

This speaks to the larger issue here, which is finding someone who is willing 
to devote ongoing effort to maintaining the spec. It's a serious long-term 
commitment, not just something to check off the box before shipping a new 
feature. My understanding is there are current maintainers who are happy with 
their workflow using a Google doc. If you want to move to a new technology, you 
need to get them to come along and help with the conversion process, and you 
need to stick around as part of the team committed to maintaining the spec 
long-term, driving consensus on new features.

https://whatwg.org/working-mode may give you somewhat of an idea of how the 
ongoing process of maintaining a spec works. It is for a different standards 
organization than the one dbaron suggests, but the general framework remains.

(BTW, if the spec ends up successful in the WICG, we can talk about migrating 
it from incubation in the WICG to a full-fleged WHATWG specification, as was 
suggested by some people up-thread. But it would be good to see ongoing 
positive signs of engagement first with the proposed new spec.)
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