Hi, just a (power?) user input here, my subjective POV.

In fact I was a little frightened when that min-width changed in Nightly. I 
liked very much the old behaviour, to see only a fraction of opened tabs (I'm 
nearly always in the overflow territory anyway), disliked Chrome for that 
"compression" of tabs. I don't see anything wrong with scrolling - if I want to 
see all tabs, I have a drop-down option for it, keyboard shortcuts and all.

As I am always at the overflow limit, I am:
1) Not seeing much text at the 50px (75px is not much better for me)
2) simply overwhelmed by that "compression" of tabs - it's highly subjective, 
but very noticable for me. (it's like a psychological discomfort, hard to 
describe it properly)

All in all, I feel comfortable with 100px, even 90px feels a little too low for 
me - not much text shown.

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