On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 11:18:14 PM UTC+2, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> On 10/3/17 4:36 PM, Jeff Griffiths wrote:
> > 2. it sets the default value of the tab to 50, previously this value
> > was hard-coded at 100.
> Jeff,
> So just to make sure I understand the change (and this is a theoretical 
> point, because I haven't had a chance to try the change yet)...  Right 
> now, the min tab width is 100.  This contains the following pieces:
> 1)  18px of horizontal padding (on the .tab-content).
> 2)  16px of favicon.
> 3)   6px of favicon right-margin.
> 4)  60px of space for the page title.
> With the new setup, just looking at the patch, the main thing that 
> changes is that the page title space drops from 60px to 10px when enough 
> tabs are open, because none of the other values change, right?
> Right now, at 60px, I can see 7-10 chars in a tab title.  This is 
> sometimes (but not always) enough for me to make sense of what I'm 
> looking at when the favicon is not helpful.  For example, for bugzilla 
> bugs I can see the whole bug number.
> In the new setup is sounds like I will see 1-2 chars.  At that point, 
> it's not immediately clear to me that there's any value to not just 
> setting the min-width to "40px" and allowing all the title text to 
> disappear altogether.  There is definite value in not going below the 
> "keep the favicon entirely visible" value, of course.
> > We looked into this and I generally agree with the
> > comments: chrome's "infinite tabs visible" approach results in a much
> > higher usable/visible
> I think there's a difference here between "usable" and "visible".... 
> And yes, I understand that I can just set the pref as needed.
> > One aspect that I would like to stress about this change: most
> > existing Firefox users will never see it, because they are unlikely to
> > open m,ore than 10 tabs at any one time.
> Just fwiw, at the 100px width, tabstrip scrolling kicks in for me at 9 
> tabs.  It's possible that most of our users have wider windows than 
> mine, of course.
> I will definitely try experimenting a bit with this pref to see how 
> things behave in practice.
> -Boris

85 is minimum for me. That corresponds to 35 for text. Reduce padding by 10 as 
Ehsan showed, and 75 or 80 is usable. Running 100 for now.
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