On 2/6/18 6:27 PM, Tom Ritter wrote:
But when it comes to the header case mismatch issue, we could automate this.
Would it be possible for us to write some code to automatically detect these 
discrepancies and automatically land corrections? Where would be the right place
for something like that to live?
I'd be happy to build something that does this. I don't know what's
possible or where it should live though. It's probably easy for me to
add it to the lint job, wherever that is.  I might be able to
integrate it into the new MozReview Static Analysis thing. I don't
know if it's possible, or how, to automatically land corrections* but

This came up in a less pressing situation recently within the js/src tree, where we were thinking that the nicest way for this to work would be to have some limited pre-push lint checks. In our case, it could be easily restricted to a particular portion of the tree. I don't know if it would be fast enough to not add friction if it had to check any source file anywhere in the tree, but it seems like the nicest developer experience -- you wouldn't be bothered by it until you tried to land, and then an opt-out pre-push hook would tell you that you're going to break something. There has been talk of hooking up mozlint in this way, so that might be the place to look if you're thinking of setting it up. I'm not sure what the story there is for a git workflow, but at least for mercurial it would seem to make sense to have the hooks installed via mach bootstrap / mach mercurial-setup.

The new phabricator workflow may have a place for this sort of thing as well?

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