On Thu, October 24, 2013 2:47 pm, Michael Ströder wrote:
>  Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> > In the case of EV certs, Mozilla is still checking the CRL when the OCSP
> > URI
> > is not provided.
>  Which CRL? Where does it come from?
> > Though, I believe the plan is to stop checking CRL in the
> > future...
> > https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=585122#c34
> > "Instead of checking explicitly for an OCSP responder URI in the AIA
> > extension, let's simply remove the support for downloading CRLs from
> > Firefox's
> > EV checking. That will have the effect of enforcing that all certs in
> > the
> > chain have an OCSP AIA extension, except possibly for the end-entity
> > certificate if the server stapled the end-entity OCSP response. I agree
> > with
> > the CA representatives that a missing OCSP AIA URL isn't harmful when a
> > stapled OCSP response is provided. So, I am OK with allowing that
> > exception,
> > at least for now."
>  Anyone writing such a non-sense surely is on NSA's payroll.
>  Ciao, Michael.

Yes, surely only someone insidious and evil and who hates Freedom would
ever support such an security-hostile idea as a 1-4KB OCSP response,
rather than a 50MB CRL. It's likely that the Legion of Cryptographic Doom
have compromised OCSP, likely using the World Bank to infiltrate the IETF
with members of the Secret Illuminati (which even the regular Illuminati
don't know about), and only CRLs can save us from the impending saucer
people who will break our crypto and control our minds with houseplants.

Please keep it civil, Michael, and please provide technical discussions,
rather than emotional pleas or accusations.

OCSP and CRLs both represent ways to obtain revocation information. Thus,
for EV, it's should "always" be possible to obtain fresh information.

CRLs and OCSP offer no security advantage unless enabled for 'hard fail',
which cannot be enabled by default, and which few users (if any) have ever
enabled. The security gains absent hard fail are illusions (... not
tricks), and so Firefox, which was not implemented hard-fail by default
and will not implement hard fail by default, it's a perfectly practical

If you would like to discuss the technical concerns behind such a thing,
might I encourage you to discuss on mozilla.dev.tech.crypto - or with the
Firefox developers - focusing on technical arguments rather than accusing
people of having some hidden agenda to harm the Internet?

Or I suppose I'm also on the NSA payroll for suggesting at this point,
you're sounding like a troll, rather than an informed user?


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