Kathleen Wilson <kwil...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1129083 was filed to
> remove support for certs signed using SHA-512-based signatures, but it was
> closed as invalid, and SHA-512 support was fixed via
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1155932

A P-256 signature cannot hold an entire SHA-384 or SHA-512 hash; the hash
will get truncated to 256 bits. Similarly, a P-384 signature cannot hold a
SHA-512 hash. While it isn't completely wrong to use a too-big hash, it is
kind of silly to do so.

> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1129077 was filed to
> remove support for certs that use the P-521 curve. But this is still up
> for discussion.

The issue with P-521 is simply one of compatibility with the broadest set
of products. Products basically *have* to support P-256 and P-384 because
that is what CAs are already using. But, lots of products can (and, it
seems, are planning to, or already are) omitting support for P-521. Thus,
even though Mozilla's products support P-521, it is worth steering towards
the more-compatible algorithms.

Also, is NSS's P-521 implementation actually production-quality? Has it
received proper QA. Check out:

I've forgotten exactly why now, but I remember thinking that I didn't feel
good about the P-521 implementation. And, IMO, it isn't worth spending time
working on P-521 considering the amount of work that is pending for
Curve25519, P-256, P-384, and Ed448.

I recommend that we change it to the following:
> ~~
> 8. We consider the following algorithms and key sizes to be acceptable and
> supported in Mozilla products:
> - SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512;
> - Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (using ANSI X9.62) over SECG
> and NIST named curves P-256, P-384, and P-521; and
> - RSA 2048 bits or higher.
> ~~

I suggest:
8. We consider the following algorithms and key sizes to be acceptable and
supported in Mozilla products:
- ECDSA using the P-256 curve and SHA-256.
- ECDSA using the P-384 curve and SHA-384.
- RSA using a 2048-bit or larger modulus, using SHA-256, SHA-384, or

> Another option is to delete this section from Mozilla's policy, because it
> is covered by the Baseline Requirements. However, the Baseline Requirements
> allows for DSA, which Mozilla does not support.
> The “Key Sizes” section of the Baseline Requirements allows for:
> SHA‐256, SHA‐384 or SHA‐512
> NIST P‐256, P‐384, or P‐521
> DSA L= 2048, N= 224 or L= 2048, N= 256

I suggest that Mozilla use the text I suggest above, and also propose it to
CABForum as the new CABForum language. Then, if/when CABForum adopts it,
replace the Mozilla policy text with a reference to the CABForum text in a
future version.

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