By the time version 2.3 of Mozilla’s CA Cert Policy is published, I hope to have issued a CA Community License to every included CA. Taking that into consideration; I propose changing the policy as follows.
“10. … The CA with a certificate included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program MUST disclose this information *in the CA Community in Salesforce* <link to> before any such subordinate CA is allowed to issue certificates *chaining up to the CA’s included root certificate*. …”

Additionally, I also propose that we change the first bullet point in this section, because in the CA Community in Salesforce the CA is expected to copy-paste in the contents of the .pem file for the intermediate cert. “10. … For a certificate to be considered publicly disclosed and audited, the following information MUST be provided: ..."
"- The full DER-encoded X.509 certificate (Each issuing CA should provide one .p7c, .zip, or .tgz file containing all of the non-technically-constrained intermediate certificates that it has signed.); …”
“- The PEM (Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail) Base64 encoded DER X.509 certificate, enclosed between "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";”

Also, in the wiki page I propose adding the following section:
== When to Add Intermediate Certificate Data ==
As per Mozilla’s CA Certificate Inclusion policy, all certificates that are capable of being used to issue new certificates, that are not technically constrained (via Extended Key Usage and Name Constraint settings), and that directly or transitively chain to a certificate included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program MUST be audited in accordance with Mozilla’s CA Certificate Policy and MUST be publicly disclosed by the CA that has their certificate included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program.

The CA with a certificate included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program MUST add the PEM-encoded X.509 intermediate certificate and the corresponding CP/CPS and Audit documentation to the CA Community in Salesforce before the subordinate CA begins issuing Publicly-Trusted Certificates that chain up to the CA’s included root certificate.

As always, I will appreciate your thoughtful and constructive input about this proposal.


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