On 19/11/15 23:09, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> “10. … The CA with a certificate included in Mozilla’s CA Certificate
> Program MUST disclose this information *in the CA Community in
> Salesforce* <link to https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:SalesforceCommunity>
> before any such subordinate CA is allowed to issue certificates
> *chaining up to the CA’s included root certificate*. …”

I would say "disclose this information to Mozilla in a manner Mozilla
will specify before any such". There's no need to specify the exact tool
in a policy. Separation of policy and mechanism :-)

> “10. … For a certificate to be considered publicly disclosed and
> audited, the following information MUST be provided: ..."

Similarly, I would change this to "the full certificate contents in a
format Mozilla specifies".

> Also, in the https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:SalesforceCommunity wiki page I
> propose adding the following section:

That's not a policy document, so you can change it how you like :-)


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