I'm opposed to allowing job postings in this forum. The focus should be policy 
as that is the reason we have gathered here.

Job postings generally are intended for people in a particular country ‎with a 
particular level of experience who are actively seeking or receptive to a new 
job. Sending out off-topic messages that are intended for a subset of a subset 
of a subset of people here sounds like spam to me.

  Original Message  
From: Kathleen Wilson
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 5:17 PM
To: mozilla-dev-security-pol...@lists.mozilla.org
Subject: Job: Is it OK to post a job listing in this forum?

Hi All,

I have been asked if it is OK to post job listings in 
mozilla.dev.security.policy. Surprisingly, I don't recall ever being asked that 
question before, and I am not aware of a written policy about the content of 
postings to mozilla.dev.security.policy.

So, here is a proposal:
Jobs may be posted if they meet the following criteria:
* The company/organization name is clearly listed
* The person posting the job information actually works for that 
company/organization and is not a contracted recruiter
* A single posting only (for each job opportunity)
* The person posting the job info is actively engaged in this 
mozilla.dev.security.policy forum
* The job opportunity is a role relevant to the forum's audience
* The posting consists of a paragraph outline and a "read more" URL
* The Subject of the posting begins with "Job: " 

Does that sound reasonable?

As always, I will appreciate thoughtful and constructive input.


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