These are worthy goals, for sure. I'm not necessarily persuaded that posting 
jobs here is the best way to do that.

With the exception of a few people, we usually only hear from CA's when their 
stuff is up for consideration or when they've done something wrong. Perhaps if 
CA's were more engaged here generally, I'd feel better about posting jobs? If 
CA's were more active in sharing their good works and seeking input or feedback 
from the broader community, perhaps we'd see better, more robust security as 
well? Just a thought.

Also, what will we do if just anyone starts posting jobs?

  Original Message  
From: Ryan Sleevi
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2016 11:29 PM
To: Peter Kurrasch
Reply To:
Cc: Kathleen Wilson;
Subject: Re: Job: Is it OK to post a job listing in this forum?

Reposing from the right email address...

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 5:36 AM, Peter Kurrasch <> wrote:
> I'm opposed to allowing job postings in this forum. The focus should be 
> policy as that is the reason we have gathered here.
> Job postings generally are intended for people in a particular country ‎with 
> a particular level of experience who are actively seeking or receptive to a 
> new job. Sending out off-topic messages that are intended for a subset of a 
> subset of a subset of people here sounds like spam to me.

Policy and engineering are often intertwined - especially in the CA
space. Our ability to enact meaningful policies that protect users is
often directly correlated to CAs (and site operators) abilities to
enact changes. Things like CAA, name constraints, and short-lived
certificates are all prime examples of this - they relate to policies
but require engineering.

I would think that if we want to improve the state of the ecosystem,
we also need to improve the state of the engineering. And it's clear
that this forum, of perhaps all those out there, has the right
confluence of people passionate about policy and interested in the
engineering side.

While I don't know to what extent the broader (lurking) community is
able and receptive to such postings, the active participants are at
least interested in developing a robust approach to user security -
that is why we're here and care about the policies. If they could get
paid for that (as many presently are volunteers), isn't that a win?
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