This may be getting a bit ahead of the discussion, but...

The exact relationship between WoSign and StartCom seems relevant to how these 
violations should be handled.

Whether browsers decide to distrust WoSign, require CTs for all/future certs, 
take some other "probationary" decision, or do nothing at all, the relationship 
between these two CAs needs to be fully understood to properly execute that 

If WoSign's violations are a result of bad policies/systems, and they own 
StartCom, should both CAs not face the same oversight/punitive action? If 
WoSign certs are to be logged in CT, do StartCom certs also need to be logged? 
If tomorrow, StartCom was to violate the BRs, is that viewed as a separate 
incident? Or grouped in with the other violations WoSign has had?

The question of who owns/operates StartCom has been something the CA/Browser 
community has wondered about for the last few months.

Last night, was shared to this thread. The contents 
of that site are currently unavailable for stated legal reasons, but the site 
can still be accessed through Google's Cache:

This site made the following claim (and provided supporting documentation):

"Reviewing StartCom registry in the Israeli company directory reveal that on 
November 1st, 2015 all the shares of the private held company were transfered 
to a UK based company named "StartCom CA Limited". This company, "StartCom CA" 
is owned by Gaohua Wang, who is of Chinese nationality."

The site further claims that Gaohua Wang and Richard Wang are the same person.

Previously in this thread, Richard wrote:

"[WoSign] shared some facility with StartCom like CRL and OCSP distribution 

However, the claims raised by, the connections between StartCom's 
StartEncrypt system and WoSign's issuance systems, and other assertions 
 have made it obvious that we do not *know* very much.

I think Eddy Nigg (founder of StartCom) and/or Richard Wang (of WoSign) should 
make a statement about this.
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