On 07 Sep 2016, at 14:52, Rob Stradling <rob.stradl...@comodo.com> wrote:
> On 06/09/16 19:12, Thijs Alkemade wrote:
> <snip>
>> Hello,
>> We obtained 2 certificates from the StartEncrypt API which had SHA-1 
>> signatures and which were backdated to December 20, 2015.
>> After WoSign announced that all certificates issued in 2015 were logged to 
>> their Certificate Transparency server, I analyzed them to check if any other 
>> certificates using SHA-1 signatures show signs of being backdated. Using the 
>> Python tools from Google’s Certificate Transparency repository I downloaded 
>> all certificates from the log and then queried them from an sqlite database. 
>> Considering this is the first time I’m working with Certificate Transparency 
>> logs, it might be better if someone else tries to reproduce my results. I’ve 
>> generated a table here: 
>> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/72920ff1b4450d38893dfa1b4863af52 
>> (timestamps are in UTC).
>> I found 1204 certificates with a SHA-1 signature issued after December 1, 
>> 2015. 53 of them included embedded SCT data, so can be dated more accurately.
>> The most interesting pattern I noticed was from sorting the certificates 
>> based on the ID they have in WoSign’s Certificate Transparency log. Up to ID 
>> 109149 
>> (https://crt.sh/?q=6d8665951cf6d8743200393a1085e0f6eb226270cc1f1402507d61faae93256a),
>>  the notBefore values are (approximately) chronologically ordered. Those 
>> which have embedded SCTs have timestamps which are about 2 hours later than 
>> the notBefore date.
> Hi Thijs.  I agree that this pattern is interesting (and it'd be nice to
> see an explanation), but I'm not convinced that it proves everything you
> think it proves.
>> But after that follow 64 certificates which are all dated on December 20, 
>> 2015 (CST, UTC+8), including our two test certificates. Six of these have 
>> embedded SCT data, but they have a large discrepancy between the notBefore 
>> and the earliest SCT: 3 have a SCT of December 31 (11 days later) and 1 even 
>> has a SCT of January 18, 2016, almost a full month after the notBefore. 
>> (Unless I misunderstand the use of pre-certificates, this by itself already 
>> implies the certificate was signed using SHA-1 on or after January 18, 2016.)
> Yes.  A certificate that has embedded SCTs cannot have been issued any
> earlier than any of the timestamps in those embedded SCTs (assuming
> those timestamps are accurate, of course).
> Of course, "implies...was signed...after" is only demonstrably true when
> you have a copy of both the precertificate and the corresponding
> certificate.  You can't prove it if you only have a copy of the
> precertificate; the signature on a precertificate "indicates the
> certificate authority's intent to issue a certificate" [RFC6962 section
> 3.1], but this doesn't mean the CA is required to issue the certificate.

Hi Rob,

That makes sense, thanks.

>> Aside from the 3 embedded SCTs on December 31, none of these certificates 
>> have been logged to a Certificate Transparency server before January 1, 2016.
> When a precertificate is logged, there is no need for the corresponding
> certificate to be logged.  If the corresponding certificate does get
> logged at some point later, so what?
> Let's look at one of your examples:
> aceeccdbb17b9096251dd11a84041ec75fe7a92e903ffe07c6d6b0a0c980d399
> The fact that the certificate (https://crt.sh/?id=12367098) wasn't
> logged until late January 2016 is uninteresting, because the
> precertificate (https://crt.sh/?id=11751158) was logged on (and has a
> notBefore date of) 31st December 2015.
> Except for EV, certificates issued by WoSign aren't required (by Chrome)
> to be logged.  If a certificate (for which there is no corresponding
> precertificate) does get logged at some point long after its issuance
> date, so what?
> Let's look at one of your examples:
> 61b6289b1d3786e8f362e4049a4c5e24bb1356c0776fadb3a8a569f99d071a98
> I see no evidence to suggest that this certificate was not issued on
> 30th December 2015, as suggested by its notBefore date.

Both of these are not examples of the certificates which I consider suspicious. 
To be precise, the suspicious certificates have:

- A SHA-1 signature from WoSign.
- A notBefore date on December 20, 2015 (CST).
- An ID in the WoSign Certificate Transparency log ≥ 109153.

In the gist which I posted, this is line 4 up to 65.

The fact that these certificates weren’t logged to public Certificate 
Transparency servers soon after is not suspicious and I did not intend it as 
such. It was only meant to indicate the lack of evidence that could have proven 
their timestamps.

What is suspicious is:

- Twice as many SHA-1 certificates being issued on a specific Sunday in 
December than the daily average that month. (Which also happens to be the date 
on the certificates which I personally got from the StartEncrypt API.)
- The long difference between the notBefore and the embedded SCTs, if any.
- Some of these certificates having an almost identical copy issued using 
SHA-256 on a date in January. If the SHA-1 cert has embedded SCTs, then the 
SHA-256 cert has them too and the SCTs of both certs are less than a minute 

Of course, I can’t present hard cryptographic evidence that these certificates 
did not exist then, but I fear nothing can.

Best regards,
Thijs Alkemade

Computest • Pine Digital Security
E: talkem...@computest.nl • I: www.computest.nl  
A: Signaalrood 25 • 2718 SH Zoetermeer

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