The actual revocation model I had in mind was a more friendly one where the 
cert holder wants it revoked for some reason. This was based on your research 
which showed that many ‎WoSign clients were not using their WoSign-issued 
certs. (I don't remember if you indicated they had switched to a different cert 

My thinking was that if we put together a white list, the idea is that those on 
the whitelist would migrate to a different CA over time. As that process takes 
place, presumably the WoSign certs would be revoked. So the question is, 
assuming those clients do bother to request revocation, can we trust that 
WoSign will honor those requests?

Certificate Transparency is something I should have included in my original 
list so thanks for bringing it up. I have a question though about what happens 
if WoSign fails to publish a cert to the CT logs: can they get away with it, 
and does the answer change if the user is on one side of the Great Firewall or 
the other?

Finally, I have no problem with the exploration of alternatives to outright 
distrust. That said, I did want to help flesh out how we might know when 
distrust is the right decision to make and what that might look like--beyond 
the obvious impact it has to current cert holders.

  Original Message  
From: Ryan Sleevi
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2016 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: Time to distrust

On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 6:03:01 AM UTC-7, Peter Kurrasch wrote:

> * Revocation: If a particular cert has been revoked for any reason, I should 
> be able to find that out so that I will know not to use it. Ideally this is 
> handled automatically in software but for various reasons it doesn't always 
> work out that way. I'm not sure if the manual tools are all that robust (or 
> exist?), but that almost doesn't matter because I'm dependent either way on 
> the issuer of the cert to issue the proper revocation. In the case of WoSign, 
> there are documented cases where certs were issued improperly. (I'm not sure 
> if we have documented cases where revocations were made improperly?)

Note: In pretty much all major software, automatic revocation doesn't work 
under an adversarial threat model. That is, you can consider two types of 
misissuance: Procedural misissuance (perhaps it states Yahoo rather than 
Google) and adversarial misissuance (that is, someone attempting to 
impersonate). I'm handwaving a bit here, because it's more of a spectrum, but 
we might broadly lump it as "stupidity" that causes insecurity and "evil" that 
causes insecurity.

Stupidity is important/relevant to trust decisions, to some extent. However, in 
practice, I doubt you're examining each certificate presented to you on each 
connection *before* you send data on that connection, which is what the CPS's 
are worded to suggestion, so it's unlikely you're making major trust decisions 
on the basis that the certificate says it was for "Yahoo"

So you're most likely concerned about 'evil' misissuance - those that an 
adversarial attacker is attempting to gain access to your private 
communications. And it's under this model that revocation doesn't work, due to 
the attacker's ability to perform various exploits (such as blocking 
communication to revocation servers, or stapling an OCSP GOOD response).

For this reason, I would encourage you not to think of Revocation as an 
important factor of trust. I agree that you want to know if a certificate is 
revoked in the abstract, and if we have reliable solutions that can help 
facilitate that (e.g. OneCRL or CRLSets are more reliable means of revocation), 
then great, but we're not at a place yet where revocation is an intrinsic part 
of the secure connection establishment.

> So here's the point I wish to make: If I'm presented with a certificate 
> issued by WoSign and I'm told I have to decide for myself if I should trust 
> it, I really don't see how I have any choice but to refuse to trust the cert 
> even though my cert validation software might say it's OK. The above 
> mechanisms available to me as an end user seem to be hopelessly compromised 
> by WoSign's actions over the past 10 or so months.

You missed some other additional characteristics to consider, and ones that I 
think significantly affect the conclusions made.

The first is a consideration of risk. The decision to trust or distrust - and 
this isn't just among CAs or certificates - is more than just a binary yes or 
no. It's a spectrum that varies with the risk involved. For example, if you 
said I had a 1% of getting a papercut when doing some action, I'd probably be 
willing to entertain that risk, but if you were to say I had a 1% risk of 
dying, then I'd consider that a very risky thing indeed!

So the trust of a certificate, even in isolation (that is, not considering the 
entire corpus of certificates out there) is weighted on a spectrum. For 
example, if you had a domain whitelist, you would know that you only engage in 
risky behaviour if you access a domain on that whitelist (as your first 
mitigator of risk), but then you also have to consider what services the site 
provides or what actions you're going to engage in (as the second mitigator of 
risk) when evaluating that trust decision.

The other important factor that you're not considering is transparency. You're 
assuming that you're having to only operate on the knowledge presented in front 
of you with the certificate, and using only the knowledge you personally have. 
However, when things are disclosed - such as via Certificate Transparency - you 
need to factor in the other knowledge that may be had by other parties. For 
example, an important party you're not considering is the domain holder - if 
all the certificates are actually logged, or at least all the certificates you 
might be asked to trust - then the domain holder has an opportunity to speak 
out against any sort of misissuance. Similarly, you can trust that the 
certificates are only valid for *that* domain - if there were certificates that 
were able to facilitate abuse, you could trust that the community of technical 
experts here would have alerted to such risk.

I hope this explains why your considerations of trustworthiness - all important 
conditions I believe - may not be taking in the full picture, and it's within 
that full picture, and with consideration of the risk, that there are 
alternatives being proposed.
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