Gijs Kruitbosch <> writes:

>(Some) People who "do" Firefox UI read this group. If you have concrete/
>constructive suggestions, please file bugs or write to more topical mailing 
>lists - especially if you think there are things we should do "frontend"-
>wise to improve the security of end users.

Oh, it's not the security UI, it's the look and feel of Firefox as a whole,
which has seen almost uniformly negative response from users in public
forums for several years now (Mozilla's own Firefox feedback forum was 
running about 80-90% negative the last time I checked a link to it).  Just
to pick one random location, go to Slashdot and find any thread on Firefox,
anything at all, and try and find anyone with a positive comment to make
about it.  What I was commenting on was that what the Firefox *security* 
devs were doing made perfect sense, it wasn't meant to start yet another
Firefox-post-3.x-sucks thread, they're all over the place as it is.

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