On 08/11/2016 20:37, Gervase Markham wrote:
On 08/11/16 19:11, Jakob Bohm wrote:
However because all the sources are from a single entity (the UK
government), that entity could manipulate the results, thus falsifying
the provable randomness of the process.

I think you are bikeshedding the wrong part of this process.

The draws are televised live, and if someone could predict them, they
would simply clean up on the money side. Also, it's not the UK
government, it's a private company called Camelot.

Also, define the action time in UTC, not UK local time, e.g. 12:00 noon

I'm defining it in UK time because it's going to be me doing the work,
and I'm in the UK.

I was merely countering your argument as to why Camelot could not abuse
their use in this formula.  It was about the provability, not their
actual intent to do so.

I was relying on the grandparent post by Alex for the suggestion that
the lottery organization was controlled by the UK government.

But yes, these are minor things, never mind.


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.  https://www.wisemo.com
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