On 08/11/16 21:09, Kathleen Wilson wrote:
> I've been exchanging email and working with just about all of these
> CAs. There have been a few problems in our Salesforce customization
> to work out, and there have been some questions about which
> intermediate certs needed to be disclosed (regarding different
> instances of essentially the same certificate).
> Anyways, hopefully this discussion will give those CAs additional
> incentive to finish getting their intermediate certs fully disclosed
> in the CA Community in Salesforce. And it is a good idea to figure
> out what the consequences will be of CAs not disclosing their
> intermediate certs in the CA Community in Salesforce.

OK. I wouldn't fire off this plan without your approval :-) And if you
think there are CAs with acceptable mitigating circumstances, then we
could exclude them for one or more rounds of the process.

But really, uploading certs to Salesforce is, in general terms, not a
difficult or complicated task. Ben Wilson did about 20 of them during
the CAB Forum meeting.

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