Many of the concerns you list below are already covered in different

1. I believe (though others may know better) that the high general
  requirements for the security of CA systems also apply to the
  systems performing the validation procedures in question.

2. For all DV (Domain Validated) certificate validation methods, it is
  basically accepted that if an attacker can hijack access to a domain
  for the duration of the validation, then that attacker can fool even
  the most secure CA into giving the attacker a DV certificate.
   This is because the problem is fundamentally unsolvable.

3. The location from which to fetch the confirmation file for HTTP based
  validation is generally dictated by the CA, not the applicant.  So one
  CA might require the file to be at
  "";, another might require it to
  be at ""; and so on.
   One of the numerous issues that lead to WoSign becoming distrusted
  was that they allowed the applicant to specify the port, leading to
  multiple unauthorized certificates being issued, some of which were
  not revoked when they were told about it!

4. Exact variations within the 10 permitted domain validation methods
  are very much up to the ingenuity of the CA doing the work.  For
  example the advanced secure checks developed by "Let's Encrypt" are
  technically just extra good variations of some of these 10 methods.

On 18/07/2017 00:08, Matthew Hardeman wrote:
Hi all,

I was just reading through the baseline requirements -- specifically and 
its children -- and noted that while there are particular standards as to the 
blessed methods of validation of authority & control for domain names (and host 
names within domain names), there is nothing specified regarding the technical 
requirements for the infrastructure and procedures for this validation.  Instead, 
simple protocol names are called out as the method (like over HTTP/HTTPS, or 
establishment of TXT record in the DNS).  Nothing more specific is noted.

My own background is originally in software development, but specifically with 
an emphasis on network applications.  Additionally, I've been involved in quite 
a number of small / medium regional ISP interconnection matters over the years. 
 I'm extremely familiar with the various mechanisms of ISP to ISP connectivity, 
whether via purchase from a transit ISP, direct private peering over an 
independent physical link, connectivity over IXP switched infrastructure, 
whether via private VLAN, private BGP session over switched ethernet on IXP, or 
via IXP route servers, or any combination of these (very common).

It has occurred to me that a small certificate authority might plausibly have 
their principal operations infrastructure at a single data center.  Even in 
instances where multiple ISPs provide access to this CA, they will almost 
inevitably be pulled from a single data center or cluster of physically close 
data centers.  Quite frequently, those ISPs will perform regional peering 
between each other at one of a small number of data centers in the geographic 

Presumably, best practice for a DNS challenge currently involves:

1.  Do the various things that negotiate between the CA and the authentication 
client what actual DNS record needs to get created (TXT record with certain 
name or similar).
2.  Client creates record and if necessary allows it to propagate in their or 
their providers' infrastructure.
3.  Client pings CA as ready for validation test.
4.  CA presumably uses a smart DNS resolver to resolve (with DNSSEC for as far 
as possible) from the IANA root to the TLD name servers to determine the 
authoritative name servers for the zone in question.
5.  Having the authoritative DNS servers now known, the CA infrastructure 
queries directly to one or more of the authoritatives for the domain to get the 
result.  Cache policy presumably is 0 or near zero.

In actuality, if that is "best practice", it falls short of handling or 
attempting to handle certain network interconnection / interception attacks which could 
definitely be mitigated significantly, though imperfectly and at some cost.

The trouble is that for many domains served by independent DNS infrastructure, you might only need 
to "steal" routing for a small network (say a /23) for a very brief period and only at 
the nearest major interconnection hub to the CA's infrastructure to briefly hijack the DNS queries 
from the CA infrastructure to the authoritative DNS servers for the registered domain.  If you know 
or can proximately control when the validation test will run within even minutes, it's quite 
possible the "route leak" wouldn't be noticed.

I should note that it is similarly possible to leak such an advertisement to 
hijack an http rather than DNS test as well.

While it will probably not be possible to guarantee that the route seen to 
certain infrastructure that a CA wishes to test control of can not be hijacked 
at all, there are definitely ways to greatly reduce the risk and significantly 
curb the number of organizations well positioned to execute such an attack.

Questions I pose:

1.  Should specific procedurals as to how one _correctly_ and via best practice 
performs the validation of effective control of a file served up on the web 
server or correctly validates a DNS challenge be part of the baseline 
requirements and/or root program requirements?

2.  What specific elements would strike the right balance of need for security 
vs cost of implementation?

3.  Are CAs today already contemplating this?  I note that code commits in 
Let's Encrypt's Boulder CA recently include the notion of remotely reached 
validation agents and coordinating the responses that the validation agents got 
and establishing rules for quorate interpretation of the results of dispersed 
validators.   I can not imagine that said work occurred in a vacuum or without 
some thought as to the kinds of risks I am speaking of.

Even if we stop short of specifying the kinds of disparate networks and 
locations that CA validation infrastructure should measure validations from, 
there are other questions I think that are appropriate to discuss:

For example, mentioned validation via HTTP or HTTPS access to an FQDN for a 
given blessed path.  It never says how to fetch that or how to look up where to fetch it 
from.  It may be tempting to say "In the absence of other guidance, behave like a 
browser."  I believe, however, that this would be an error.  A browser would accept 
non-standard ports.  We should probably only allow 80 or 443.  A browser wouldn't load 
over HTTPS if the current certificate were untrusted.  This is presumably irrelevant to 
the validation check and should probably ignore the certificate.  An HSTS preload might 
well be incorporated into a browser, but should probably be ignored by the validator.

At the network and interconnection layer, I think there are significant 
opportunities for a bad actor to compromise domain (and email, etc, etc) 
validation in ways that parties not intimately familiar with how service 
providers interconnect and route between themselves could fail to even 
minimally mitigate.

If I am correctly reading between the lines in commit messages and capabilities 
being built into Let's Encrypt's Boulder CA software, it would appear that 
there are others concerned about the limitations inherent in single point of 
origination DNS queries being relied upon for validation purposes.  If that is 
the case, what is the appropriate forum to discuss the risks and potential 
mitigations?  If there is reasonable consensus as to those, what is the proper 
place to lobby for adoption of standards?


Matt Hardeman


Jakob Bohm, CIO, Partner, WiseMo A/S.
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