On 17/07/17 16:14, Jonathan Rudenberg via dev-security-policy wrote:
This certificate, issued by “Intesa Sanpaolo CA Servizi Esterni Enhanced” which 
chains up to a Baltimore CyberTrust root, contains an invalid dnsName of 
“www.intesasanpaolovita..biz” (note the two dots):


This raises some questions about the technical controls in place for issuance 
from this CA.

Yesterday evening Jonathan privately made me aware of a leaf certificate (https://crt.sh/?id=73190674) with two SAN:dNSNames that contain consecutive dots, which was issued by a Comodo intermediate. He found this cert using the crt.sh DB's lint records.

This morning Robin and I have investigated this bug in our code and we've taken the following actions: - We've deployed a hotfix to our CA system to prevent any further "double dot" mis-issuances. - We've confirmed that the bug only affected labels to the left of the registrable domain. (e.g., dNSNames of the form www..domain.com were not always rejected, but those of the form www.domain..com were always rejected). - We've performed an exhaustive search of our certificate database and found 2 further unexpired leaf certificates that exhibit this "double dot" problem. I've submitted both of them to some CT logs:

We will revoke all 3 of these leaf certificates ASAP.

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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