I think there might be a bug in your SQL, one of the offending certs is
issued by "C=US, O=U.S. Government, OU=Department of Homeland Security,
OU=Certification Authorities, OU=DHS CA4", who are revoked using OneCRL.


On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 10:08 AM, Rob Stradling via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On 18/07/17 16:57, Hanno Böck via dev-security-policy wrote:
> <snip>
>> (Due to limitations in the search methodology - scraping crt.sh
>> search results and looping through tlds - I only searched for ..tld. It
>> would certainly be valuable to search further.)
> Here's a report of all "double dot" certs known to crt.sh that are useable
> for server authentication and chain to a root trusted by Mozilla:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18rvkdAd9A_N9_i2jIVhN
> QVWODGhRtIT1iYoVms7Wb2w/edit?usp=sharing
> P.S.
> For anyone interested, here's the SQL I executed on the crt.sh DB to
> produce this report:
> SELECT c.ID, x509_notBefore(c.CERTIFICATE), x509_notAfter(c.CERTIFICATE),
> array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT ci.NAME_VALUE), CHR(10)), ca.NAME
>   FROM certificate_identity ci, ca, certificate c
>     AND ci.NAME_TYPE IN ('dNSName', 'commonName')
>     AND ci.ISSUER_CA_ID = ca.ID
>     AND EXISTS (
>       SELECT 1
>         FROM ca_trust_purpose ctp
>         WHERE ci.ISSUER_CA_ID = ctp.CA_ID
>           AND ctp.TRUST_PURPOSE_ID = 1  -- Server Authentication
>           AND ctp.TRUST_CONTEXT_ID = 5  -- Mozilla
>     )
>     AND x509_isEKUPermitted(c.CERTIFICATE, '')
>   GROUP BY c.ID, x509_notBefore(c.CERTIFICATE),
> x509_notAfter(c.CERTIFICATE), ci.NAME_VALUE, ca.NAME
>   ORDER BY ca.NAME, x509_notAfter(c.CERTIFICATE) DESC;
> --
> Rob Stradling
> Senior Research & Development Scientist
> COMODO - Creating Trust Online
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