On Friday, July 21, 2017 at 12:39:54 PM UTC-7, Peter Bowen wrote:
> Steve,
> I think this level of public detail is very helpful when it comes to
> understanding the proposal.
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 8:00 AM, Steve Medin via dev-security-policy
> wrote:
> > 1)      December 1, 2017 is the earliest credible date that any RFP 
> > respondent can provide the Managed CA solution proposed by Google, assuming 
> > a start date of August 1, 2017. Only one RFP respondent initially proposed 
> > a schedule targeting August 8, 2017 (assuming a start date of June 12, 
> > 2017). We did not deem this proposal to be credible, however, based on the 
> > lack of specificity around our RFP evaluation criteria, as compared to all 
> > other RFP responses which provided detailed responses to all aspects of the 
> > RFP, and we have received no subsequent information from this bidder to 
> > increase our confidence.
> You note that this assumes a start date of June 12.   A later email
> from Rick Andrews says "Our proposed dates assume we are able to
> finalize negotiation of contracts with the selected Managed CA
> partner(s), [...] by no later than July 31, 2017."
> Presumably the June 12 date is long gone.  However if one assumes the
> delta of 57 days from start to delivery stands, this would put
> delivery at September 26, 2017.  This is two months sooner than the
> December 1 date.  This seems like a pretty big difference.  Given you
> are asking to delay the timeline based on other RFP respondents being
> unable to hit earlier dates, it seems prudent to ask whether the you
> attempted to investigate the proposal from the bidder who proposed
> August 8.

Please see our response to Alex Gaynor.
> Given that one of the requirements stated by Google is that the SubCA
> operator had to have roots that have been in the Google trust store
> for several years, it seems unusual that any eligible respondent would
> not be "credible" out of the gate.
> Did you ask them to provide more information and details to help
> determine if it was a "credible" offer?

There is a difference between a prospective SubCA being capable of performing 
the activities of a Managed CA under the SubCA proposal and having a realistic 
plan to do so. We concluded the RFP response from the sole respondent who 
proposed a 2-month timeline was not credible because it failed to meet a 
minimum bar of providing us with sufficient information to evaluate the 
bidder’s ability to satisfy RFP requirements or meaningfully compare / contrast 
the bidder’s response with all other RFP respondents.  There were other 
attributes relating to this bidder’s proposal beyond its lack of content in 
addressing RFP evaluation criteria that reinforced our conclusion that the bid 
was not credible.

> > 2)      We are using several selection criteria for evaluating RFP 
> > responses, including the depth of plan to address key technical integration 
> > and operational requirements, the timeframe to execute, the ability to 
> > handle the scope, volume, language, and customer support requirements both 
> > for ongoing issuance and for one-time replacement of certificates issued 
> > prior to June 1, 2016, compliance program and posture, and the ability to 
> > meet uptime, interface performance, and other SLAs. Certain RFP respondents 
> > have distinguished themselves based on the quality and depth of their 
> > integration planning assumptions, requirements and activities, which have 
> > directly influenced the dates we have proposed for the SubCA proposal.
> >
> > 3)      The RFP was first released on May 26, 2017. The first round of 
> > bidder responses was first received on June 12, 2017.
> In the 
> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msg/blink-dev/eUAKwjihhBs/ovLalSBRBQAJ
> message, it was implied that Symantec was aware of the SubCA plan and
> dates since at least May 12.  Given the plan to sign an agreement by
> July 31, the August 8 date seems rather impossible. Did Symantec push
> back on the August 8 date at that point?

Yes, Symantec pushed back on the August 8 date in its earliest discussions with 
both Google and Mozilla after the SubCA proposal was made. We pushed back on 
the dates again publicly on June 1st.  We have now done the work of executing a 
robust RFP process that included multiple parties and involved multiple working 
sessions to arrive at dates that are both aggressive and achievable for the 
size and scale of our CA operations. 

> In the original email that started this subthread, you said, "Some of
> the prospective Managed CAs have proposed supporting only a portion of
> our volume (some by customer segment, others by geographic focus), so
> we are also evaluating options that involve working with multiple
> Managed CAs."
> Have you considered a staggered date system for different classes of
> certificates.  For example, I would assume that certificates that
> don't contain subject identity information would have less work for
> migration integration than EV certificates.  Given that it is common
> practice to have a different SubCA for different certificates types,
> could you hit an earlier date for non-EV certificates and then later
> have the EV SubCA ready?

Yes, we are discussing the specific deployment schedules with RFP respondents 
with an eye towards fastest time to market where feasible and avoiding a single 
“big bang” go live date if possible. We believe implementing any additional 
intermediate “must hit” external deadlines is not constructive given the extent 
of the technical undertaking — we will need to maintain internal development 
schedule flexibility to address gaps that are identified along the way. 
December 1, 2017 is an aggressive but achievable date by which to implement the 
Managed CA according to the scope of the current SubCA proposal.

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