On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Gervase Markham via dev-security-policy <
dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> On 22/11/17 17:03, Matthew Hardeman wrote:
> > approval in terms of community buy-in.  The downside, of course, is that
> > while this alternative pre-discussion allows for discussion of the
> nebulous
> > concept of "trust" and integrity, it actually denies the community those
> > matters which can be most objectively evaluated -- the CPS, the
> subscriber
> > agreements, certificate policy, auditor's opinions, etc.  (which makes
> > sense -- the development of these is pricey).
> That's a fair point. Let us assume for the sake of discussion that all
> of those things are standard and unobjectionable in themselves.

Let's assume it meets the standard boilerplate. Would it meet community
expectations, based on past behaviour?

Given that WoSign's CP/CPS itself was met by standard boilerplate, I would
pose that it is insufficient - the past behaviour as a predictor of future
behaviour means that the existing documentation approaches are insufficient
to make an evaluation about the trustworthiness going forward.

How would this be remedied? It seems at a minimum, there'd need to be
safeguards within the new documents that sufficiently describe and mitigate
the past failures of safeguards.

But would such statements, such as "I promise I won't do X again, and look,
here's a document that now says explicitly 'We have trained sharks and
equipped them with lasers to ensure we do not do X again'" be seen as a
sufficient mitigation?

I think an important part of this discussion is trying to understand to
what side of Hanlon's razor did WoSign's actions fall (or, to that matter,
of any CA). If it was incompetence, is there sufficient explanation for how
such incompetence happened? If there sufficient evidence that both the
specific incident and any underlying causes have been remediated?
Alternatively, if we allow it to be attributed to malice (or, for that
matter, greed), is it possible to design a system of trust that is robust
against such considerations? If not, is it an acceptable risk to take going
forward. If we can, what are those controls and expectations?
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