Hi Ryan,

On 18/01/18 13:55, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> I do want to point out that you are substantially changing the goals from
> what Wayne posited. That is, you have moved the goalpost from being
> 'objective' to being what is 'fair', and 'fair' will inherently be a
> subjective evaluation.

One of my goals in this discussion is to record some of the thoughts I
had on the topic, of which this is one. Those thoughts are far from
unchallengeable - as you have recognised, since you are challenging one
of them :-)

> Was it your intent to redefine the problem like that? If not, do you have
> those concerns about the objective measures, or is your goal to find
> objective measures which you subjectively believe to be 'fair'? For
> example, an objective measure would be "Paid for a 2-week vacation for
> Gervase Markham and family every year to a location of their choosing", but
> I suspect that you might argue it's subjectively 'not fair'?

If every CA had to do it, it would both be an objective measure and
subjectively fair. (Although one could argue it was unfair if I asked
one CA to send us to Bogor Regis and another to send us to the Maldives.
it would also mean a maximum of 26 CAs in the program at one time, and
in the past we have decided against a hard numerical limit.)

I would like to find a set of objective measures which the group
considers as a whole to be "fair", in that the objective measures do not
use criteria which are irrelevant to operating as a CA (such as buying
my family a holiday). This may not be possible, of course - we will see
- but that doesn't stop me wanting it.


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