Same question. Does this mean the key used to sign the digicert roots is 
subject to the distrust without exception?

> On Mar 13, 2018, at 1:36 PM, Kai Engert via dev-security-policy 
> <> wrote:
>> On 12.03.2018 22:19, Kathleen Wilson via dev-security-policy wrote:
>> Wayne and I have posted a Mozilla Security Blog regarding the current
>> plan for distrusting the Symantec TLS certs.
> Hello Kathleen and Wayne,
> the blog post says, the subCAs controlled by Apple and Google are the
> ONLY exceptions.
> However, the Mozilla Firefox code also treats certain DigiCert subCAs as
> exceptions.
> Based on Ryan Sleevi's recent comments on this list, I had concluded
> that the excluded DigiCert subCAs are used to support companies other
> than Apple and Google. Is my understanding right or wrong?
> Are Apple and Google really the only beneficials of the exceptions, or
> should the blog post get updated to mention the additional exceptions?
> Thanks
> Kai
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