On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Kai Engert <k...@kuix.de> wrote:

> On 13.03.2018 15:35, Ryan Sleevi via dev-security-policy wrote:
> >
> >> Are the DigiCert transition CAs, which are part of the exclusion list,
> >> and which you say are used for "Managed Partner Infrastructure",
> >> strictly limited to support the needs of the Apple and Google companies?
> >
> >
> > No.
> If the answer is "no", it means there are additional beneficials besides
> Apple and Google.
> > Apple is Apple. Google is Google. DigiCert is running the Managed Partner
> > Infrastructure from the consensus plan, using the two transition CAs, in
> > addition to the two pre-existing roots participating in Mozilla's root
> > store.
> Which companies, other than Apple and Google, benefit from DigiCert
> running the Manager Partner Infrastructure and from DigiCert being part
> of the exclusion list?


Please see if Peter's answer helps. I will be happy to answer follow-up
questions if you are still confused, but I do want to stress, the Managed
Partner Infrastructure consensus plan, discussed for months, addresses both
the reasoning and the risk.

Apple and Google *do not* benefit from the Managed Partner Infrastructure.
They could, but at present, they do not. Hopefully, Peter's decomposition
addresses the confusion.
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