> This going to require 19 randomly generated Base64 characters and that does
> not include removing common confused characters which will drive up the
> length a bit more, but if this is what the Mozilla risk assessment came up 
> with,
> then we’ll all have to comply.  I hope there is a sufficiently long time for 
> CAs to
> change their processes and APIs and to roll out updated training and
> documentation to their customers (for this unplanned change).

A reasonable transition period is reasonable.

> 2) Trying to compute the entropy of a user generated password is  nearly
> impossible.  According to NIST Special Publication 800-63, a good 20 character
> password will have just 48 bits of entropy, and characters after that only 
> add 1
> bite of entropy each.  User stink at generating Entropy (right Tim?)

Yes, users struggle to generate a single bit of entropy per character.  This is 
users should not generate keys or passwords.

An encoded CSPRNG can hit 5-6 bits of entropy per character, so 20 is a pretty 
good number for password lengths.  Copy/paste solves most of the usability 

There are some subtleties that require some care, but the general gist is right.


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