On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 13:06:46 -0700
Wayne Thayer via dev-security-policy
<dev-security-policy@lists.mozilla.org> wrote:

> This request is for inclusion of these four emSign roots operated by
> eMudhra in bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1442337

I would like to read more about eMudhra / emSign.

I have never heard of this entity before, perhaps because they're
Indian (if I understand correctly) but perhaps because they're just
entirely new to this business.

Of course just being new isn't inherently disqualifying, but it'd be
good to understand things like:

- Who (human individuals) is behind this outfit, are there people we've
dealt with before in any key roles? (For example I hope we can agree
that individuals from previously distrusted CAs as leadership would
be a potential red flag) Are there people involved who've done this or
something similar before?

- Does this entity or a legally related entity already operate a
  business in this space that has a record we can look at such as:
  Indian RA for another Certificate Authority, CA in another PKI, or
  more distantly somewhat similar businesses such as making identity
  documents, or payment card systems.

- How did they come to decide to set up a new root CA for the Web PKI?

Running a trustworthy CA is pretty hard, so I am at least a little bit
sceptical of the idea that people I've never hard of can wake up one
morning and decide "Hey let's run a CA" and do a good job, whether in
India, Indianapolis or Israel.
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